What we learn this issue other than chloroform obviously not being that hard to come by for thugs of the 1980's.

Another quality cover of knife killers and S&M bondage rapers. Stuff for all the kids.
Then Xavier's all like, hey, is that a twat hat?

I'll be honest I read this a while ago and it kind of sucked. But I already did these captions. Some of them are pretty hilarious. Because a lot of dumb shit happens in this comic. Look, Storm is traipsing about the jungle, serenely flatulating with nature.

Yummy farts.
And this is part of Nightcrawler's whole, look at me, I look like a demon but I'm totally religious. WHAT A FASCINATING JUXTAPOSITION OF APPEARANCES AND VALUES.

Of course no one wants to molest you Kurt. You're abominable.
Kitty smokes a fatty.

K-Pryde likes to get lifted.
Then this panel happens. I'm serious I did not change one pixel on this fucking thing. Swear to god.

Ok that's all I have on this issue. But guess what else? I won a trivia contest at local comic shop on Free Comic Book Day. So that makes me pretty fucking awesome. We were allowed to picck the topics, which helped because one of the categories was the X-Men and I fucking rocked it. People were seriously impressed. Here are the questions I thoroughly dominated.
Who was storm hanging out with when she got her Mohawk haircut? Yukio.
Who sends Wolverine crashing into the sewers beneath the hellfire club during the Dark Phoenix saga? Harry Leland. (I actually said it was Henry Leland but the comic store owner also said he was the White King when he was actually the Black Bishop.)
Who was the first non-Asgardian to wield Thor’s hammer, Mjolner? Beta Ray Bill.
Who created Elektra? Frank Miller.
When did comics raise their price to 12 cents? 1962 (I said 61 - only one I got wrong).
Who created the Spirit? Will Eisner.
Who created Uncle Scrooge? Don Banks.
Hmmm, a lot of those didn't actually involve the X-Men. Still, doesn't make me any less fucking awesome. That won me $100 worth of graphic novels. High fives for me.
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