Wednesday, January 20, 2010

X-MEN 110: What the frig does 'X'-SANCTION mean?

Even though the pages of X-Men 110 are unsullied by random Canadian buttlicks, this ish is a real turkey. It's also call "The 'X'-SANCTION" which is a completely made up word that is never explained OR EVEN USED ONCE! Exsanction isn't even a fucking word! what the fuck, man!

What is nice is that we see for the first time, the X-Pals pal'ing around the X-Mansion playing baseball together like a bunch of real pals. Whats not so nice is the horrible fucking drawing by fill in scrub Tony DeZuniga, who most likely has never seen baseball played before in his life, nor could he bothered to look up reference photos of people playing baseball, which, even in the pre-interweb days of 1978 still couldn't be all that fucking hard to get a hold of.

Here is the god awful scene of X-Pals unwinding with a little hardball in the backyard. I actually spent a decent amount of time recreating all the awfulness psuedo-meticulously.

I admit I changed Xavier around a little bit, but pretty much everything else is as you see it on the page. Including the fact that Wolverine and Nightcrawler are in costume but no one else. The rest of the terrible details are facsimile.

As I mentioned, this issue contains fill in art by not-John-Byrne, and it fucking blows. Claremont somehow scripts it so it fits into continuity, but the fact that there is no Lilandra makes me think this is one of those issues that are produced in advance and kept on file to be 'burned' if the regular artist misses a deadline or some other cock-up of the editorial stewardship. Furthermore, a few issues later Byrne becomes a co-plotter with Claremont. Couple that with him being a notoriously speedy artist and my guess is the Marvel peeps were like, look, if you two are going to go crank out a whole shit load of news stories, we have to use this other crappy issue that we already paid for now, while it can still make some sort of sense.

So of course the plot is some retarded fill in crap and the X-Men are trapped in their own danger room and the fail safe has been turned off and OH FUCK WHO IS THIS WAR HAWK ASSHOLE? Apparently he is a dick with a turtleneck sweater and a gun. Also some invulnerable steel skin or some shit. Who fucking cares, the X-Men obviously win and nothing off consequence happens.

And the art seriously sucks balls. Wolverines claws are totally fucked up the entire issue. All right, fuck this, I'm so sick of this issue already. I'm done.

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